Company formation
Form your company cheaply, simply, and quickly online. All hassle-free. We assist with Ltd and joint-stock companies.
Current limited companies offer
Service | Cost For Assistance | Fixed Costs | For Headquarters | |
Company formation (s.r.o.) with virtual office for 36 months | 1,00 Kč | 6 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (s.r.o.) with virtual office for 24 months | 490,00 Kč | 6 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (s.r.o.) with virtual office for 12 months | 1 990,00 Kč | 6 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (s.r.o.) without virtual office | 3 990,00 Kč | 6 000,00 Kč | Order |
Current joint-stock companies offer
Service | Cost For Assistance | Fixed Costs | For Headquarters | |
Company formation (a.s.) with virtual office for 36 months | 9 990,00 Kč | 26 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (a.s.) with virtual office for 24 months | 10 990,00 Kč | 26 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (a.s.) with virtual office for 12 months | 12 990,00 Kč | 26 000,00 Kč | office dependent | Order |
Company formation (a.s.) without a virtual office | 14 990,00 Kč | 26 000,00 Kč | Order |
Company establishment
As one of our services, we also offer custom company formation, both for limited liability companies and joint-stock companies. As part of this service, we provide comprehensive advice, preparation of all necessary documents, handling necessary communication with authorities and also express registration in the commercial register via a notary. This service is not conditional upon using any other service and you are neither limited by number of founders or members of the statutory authorities. Below you will find information about what all this service includes and also a precise price offer including all additional services.
What is included
- 1Basic advice related to the transfer of the company (we will go through your requirements, whether they are in accordance with current legal regulations, and possibly revise them accordingly).
- 2Preparation of the necessary documents for the transfer of the company.
- 3Managing lengthy and demanding communication with the relevant offices, which cannot be avoided when establishing a company.
- 4Ensuring the submission of a proposal to register changes in the commercial register and also the option of express registration in the commercial register via a notary.
- 5A guarantee of the correct wording of all documents and administrative flawless execution until the company is recorded in the commercial register.
- 6After the company is registered in the commercial register, we will also prepare a form for registration for corporate income tax.
Advantages of custom company formation
- 1You will be the first owner of the company.
- 2You will save on initial costs compared to purchasing a ready-made company.
- 3You can choose specific parameters and form of the company.
- 4You don't need to know the current legislation.
- 5We arrange everything for you!
A few words from our clients
eMPe Promotion s.r.o.
Pavel Mazánek, jednatel
Při zakládání společnosti s.r.o. jsem kontaktoval společnost Legal Company s.r.o. a byla to velmi dobrá volba. Jejich jednání bylo rychlé a profesionální. Založení společnosti proběhlo velmi rychle. Také bych společnosti chtěl poděkovat za pomoc při žádosti o DPH, kde bylo také vše vyřešeno velmi rychle, úspěšně a k mé plné spokojenosti.
Optika Jana s.r.o.
Miroslav Michálek, jednatel
Společnost LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. jsem využil pro založení společnosti. Vše probíhalo rychle a profesionálně. Jednání probíhalo efektivně a vždy bylo vše jasně vysvětleno. LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. mohu určitě doporučit.
Ninety Edges s.r.o.
Pavel Dlouhý, jednatel
Byl jsem velmi spokojen se službou založení společnosti. Ve všech ohledech jsem se setkal s výborným profesionálním přístupem. Do společnosti LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. se budu rád vracet.
Best School Company s.r.o.
Ing. Elena Rajkova, jednatel
moc děkuji za skvělou práci. Se službami jsem byla spokojená a myslím si, že poměr cena-kvalita je bezvadný. Vše proběhlo rychle a bez jakýchkoliv komplikací. Můžu jen doporučit těm, kdo nemá čas na vyřizování věcí kolem založení firmy. Přeji vám hodně úspěchů a hodně spokojených klientů.