Start your business safely and immediately with a Ready Made company.
Buy a Ready Made company and start doing business today. We'll handle everything swiftly, even online. Our companies have 100% paid-up share capital and a guarantee of zero liabilities.
Name | Price | IČO | Creation date | Registered capital | Statutory authority | |
Felixiter s.r.o. | from 10 990,00 Kč | 196 83 065 | 4. 9. 2023 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Silared organization s.r.o. | from 12 990,00 Kč | 118 17 674 | 6. 9. 2021 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Profitofas s.r.o. | from 12 990,00 Kč | 106 68 829 | 15. 3. 2021 | 12 000,00 Kč | 2 | Order |
CJR Resource Management s.r.o. | from 13 990,00 Kč | 087 63 321 | 11. 12. 2019 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Bez zavazku s.r.o. | from 15 990,00 Kč | 076 76 387 | 28. 11. 2018 | 12 000,00 Kč | 2 | Order |
Grizzlimited s.r.o. | from 15 990,00 Kč | 072 24 591 | 19. 6. 2018 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Escagale CZ s.r.o. | from 16 990,00 Kč | 065 88 450 | 8. 11. 2017 | 12 000,00 Kč | 2 | Order |
Norax Trade s.r.o. | from 24 990,00 Kč | 035 31 139 | 30. 10. 2014 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Bulsador Company s.r.o. | from 26 900,00 Kč | 045 67 943 | 18. 11. 2015 | 12 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Name | Price | IČO | Creation date | Registered capital | Statutory authority | |
Prima Societas a.s. | from 48 990,00 Kč | 177 44 351 | 15. 11. 2022 | 2 000 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Commune Futurum a.s. | from 48 990,00 Kč | 177 44 369 | 16. 11. 2022 | 2 000 000,00 Kč | 1 | Order |
Price includes
- 1Consulting services related to the full transfer of the company (we will discuss your requirements whether they comply with current legislation or will amend them accordingly).
- 2Drawing up the necessary company transfer documents.
- 3Holding lengthy and demanding communication with all the necessary authorities which is unavoidable when founding a company.
- 4Filling a petition for the registration of changes in the Commercial Register and quick registration of the company the Commercial Register through a notary.
- 5Guarantee that all the documents and documents are drawn up properly, so the administrative process runs smoothly right up to the registration of the company in the Commercial Register.
What is a Ready Made company?
We also offer ready-made companies for purchase. Ready-made companies are already founded companies without any accounting history. All the companies we offer have full paid up registered capital and we guarantee zero liabilities and indebtness via our member of the statutory body, who is a lawyer registered in Czech Bar Association. The main advantage of buying a ready-made company is the opportunity to represent the company immediately after signing the transfer documents.
Important info
Ready made companies are already founded companies (e.g. a limited liability company – s.r.o., a joint-stock company – a.s., etc.) that are already registered in the Commercial Register and ready to start a business.
Such a company does not conduct any type of business until it is transferred to the ownership of the new owner and therefore it has no liabilities or receivables, we provide a 100% legal guarantee for such a company!
A further advantage of a shelf company is its fully paid-up registered capital. Each sold company has fully paid-up registered capital so the new owner does not incur any further costs.
We also offer companies which are already registered to pay VAT. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
A few words from our clients
eMPe Promotion s.r.o.
Pavel Mazánek, jednatel
Při zakládání společnosti s.r.o. jsem kontaktoval společnost Legal Company s.r.o. a byla to velmi dobrá volba. Jejich jednání bylo rychlé a profesionální. Založení společnosti proběhlo velmi rychle. Také bych společnosti chtěl poděkovat za pomoc při žádosti o DPH, kde bylo také vše vyřešeno velmi rychle, úspěšně a k mé plné spokojenosti.
B.S.A.F. s.r.o.
Milan Vémola, jednatel
Se službami i celkovou komunikací se společností LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. jsem nadmíru spokojen.
Optika Jana s.r.o.
Miroslav Michálek, jednatel
Společnost LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. jsem využil pro založení společnosti. Vše probíhalo rychle a profesionálně. Jednání probíhalo efektivně a vždy bylo vše jasně vysvětleno. LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. mohu určitě doporučit.
Ninety Edges s.r.o.
Pavel Dlouhý, jednatel
Byl jsem velmi spokojen se službou založení společnosti. Ve všech ohledech jsem se setkal s výborným profesionálním přístupem. Do společnosti LEGAL COMPANY s.r.o. se budu rád vracet.